Saturday, April 24, 2010

Love is above lust

What we think about love is not exactly that. Love can’t be named ‘Lust’. Love can’t be dictated until a true experience of one’s own. It’s a feeling that comes from within. It’s synchronization of two hearts. It’s an attitude which one has to wear. We live with a person for a long time but we fail to understand his/her characteristics, still we name it Love. Is it real one? Only living with a person does not mean that one is in love.

Is sex Love? Sex would be a way of expressing love, but sex can’t be exact meaning of love.

You see a girl, you like her magnificence, you get attracted towards her. You try to find your soul mate in her, you get closer to her, you express your affection and you think you are in love. One fine morning you wake up and realize, is this the same person I was looking for? And you get separated.

Friendship is the best way to understand a person. Partners never try to become good friends of each other; they feel hesitant to express their views and opinions, that’s why they fail to get felling of ‘Made for each other’. Love, if started as friends always attains higher levels, because you understand that person better, you come to know his/her likes and dislikes, you get clear idea what that person actually wants and then you get enormous opportunities to decide whether that person is made for you or not.

True friends can be great lovers, but once loved you can never become friend to same person.

Before commencing your love become good friends, understand better and then find your soul mate in that individual.

With Love,